Unpari Library Unpari Library is located at PGRI Silampari University in Lubuklinggau, South Sumatera, and has received a B accreditation rating. The library is beautiful from the outside and comfortable inside. Additionally, it is quite large, clean, and equipped with complete facilities, which makes it a comfortable place for visitors. In the outer courtyard of the library, there is a shoe rack where visitors can store their sandals or shoes. Around the outer courtyard, there are also beautiful pots and flowers. The library has cream-colored walls, and there is a "PERPUSTAKAAN UNPARI " logo on the wall. At Unpari library, visitors are required to log in on the computer upon entering. On the left side, there is a locker to store visitors' belongings before entering the library. On the right, there is a guard or library administrator, and near the entrance to the library, there is a bulletin board with photos of heroes and Unpari officials. Inside the Unpari l...